So What Is Directors + Donuts?

Powered by Gear Seven, Directors + Donuts is an event and podcast that the team holds once a month in person at the Nashville Kitchen Studio.

You can expect to hear all about the featured speaker’s unique processes and experience in the film industry. Whether it's working with claymation, writing treatments, or obtaining funding for a passion project, you can learn about a wide-range of topics from the knowledgeable guests.

Designed to be a place where creatives of all ages can learn from seasoned directors and creatives about their process, it is a great opportunity for making connections while learning about the best ways that one can improve their craft and technique from industry professionals. From recent film graduates to industry professionals looking for tools to add to their skillset, no one is too new or experienced to attend.

“Love these mornings! It was incredibly affirming to have a director like Jeff Venable speak life into this area.”

— Cory Woodruff